typedstream IBObjectData Object CustomObject HDraw Button Control Responder TextField TextFieldCell ActionCell Version 2.0 Helvetica ButtonCell NXImage cCopyright 1992, The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University All Rights Reserved. ScrollView ClipView ciifffcfffs [2489c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;\f1\fmodern Courier;} \margl40 \margr40 {\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;} \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600\f0\b\i0\ulnone\fs24\fc0\cf0 HippoDraw \b0 is an application to view data that is the form of n-tuples. A n-tuple is a table of data with a fixed number of columns and a (perhaps large) number of rows. \b HippoDraw \b0 can create histograms and plots which are projections of the n-tuple's columns.\ \b HippoDraw \b0 uses the \b Hippoplotamus \b0 package (or \b Hippo \b0 for short ) for managing the n-tuple data and creating the plots. This package is written in ANSI C, thus is portable. It also writes its binary files to files using SUN's XDR format, so the data is portable as well. That is, the binary file can be read either Motorola or Intel based machines. A plain text format exists as well (see help). \ All but the main program and the main application nib file are contained in an Interface Builder bundle. Thus \b\fc1\cf1 HippoDraw \b0 can be incorporated into other applications that perhaps generate or use the n-tuple data. \ \b HippoDraw \b0 is also a drawing program. The plots are just drawing objects. The drawing code was taken from /NextDeveloper/Examples/Draw.\ \b\i History and credits... \b0\i0 \ \b Hippoplotomus \b0 was conceived by \b Jonas Karlsson \b0 when he was working at SLAC in the summer of '90. Many ideas were contributed by \b Paul \b0 \b Kunz \b0 , \b William \b0 \b Shipley \b0 , and \b Gary \b0 \b Word \b0 . \b Mike \b0 \b Gravina \b0 and \b Paul \b0 \b Rensing \b0 took over the prototype in the following Winter and are authors of the package as we see it today.\ \b HippoDraw \b0 code was written by \b Mike \b0 \b Gravina \b0 , \b Paul \b0 \b Kunz \b0 , \b Imran Qureshi \b0 , \b0 and \b Paul Rensing \b0 of SLAC and of course, \b Paul \b0 \b Hegarty \b0 of NeXT, Inc. for the Draw program. \ \b Minuit \b0 fitting package was written by Matt Roos and Fred James of CERN and its usage is covered by CERN's copyright (see CERN Legal panel).\ The face above is that of \b Paul \b0 \b Kunz \b0 , the project leader. \ In case you'd like to make comments on this application. send mail to\ \f1 Hippo_Comment@ebnextk.slac.stanford.edu \f0 \ However, please send bug reports to \ \f1 Hippo_Bug@ebnextk.slac.stanford.edu \f0 \ NXCursor NXibeam Scroller _doScroller: @@@ffs HippoDraw by the Reason Gang Title pfkeb NXBitmapImageRep NXImageRep iisssss@@ [8192c]R/C S/S/c/S/S/C R/S/c/S/S/T/c/S/c/d/s/d/s/t/ /t/c/d/ ?R/t/s/ c/c/s/d s/t/s/ /t/s/ S/d/c/d/s/S C/S/S/S/c/c/c/d/s/d/c/d/s/d/c/S c/c/R/2 B/B/A/2 c/s/s/d s/d/s/d s/t/s/2 /C/S/C/S/S/C/C S/S/S/S/S/d/s/t/s/d/s/d/s/t/c/2 Q/B/R/R/R/R/R/R/R/R R/R/R/c/ s/c/S/C s/t/s/t/ /t/R/2 Q/B/R/R a/R/b/b a/b/b/R /S/T/S/S/S/S/S/d/c/d/t/d/t/d/S/" 1/2/B/B B/B/R/R/b/R/b/b/b/b/r/b/b/c/b/b/b/b/r/c/ b/b/r/b r/r/r/r/r/r/r/b r/r/r/b/r/ ?d/c/S/S/S/S/T/c/d/ 1/2/A/B B/B/R/R/b/b/r/b/r/s/r/s/r/s/r/b/ /s/r/b/r/s/r/ Q/R/b/R a/b/r/r /r/r/s/ /d/S/T/c/ /d/s/t/t/ 2/2/B/B R/B/R/R/b/b/r/s/r/s/ /d/c/d /t/s/d/ /d/t/S r/b/r/s/ /c/d/c/d/s/d/ /d/B/2/1/B/Q/R/b/R b/b/r/r/r/r/ c/c/s/t /d/c/2/1/B A/R/Q/R /t/c/d/c/d/ /t/t/d/t/C/B?2/A/B/R/R b/R/r/c/r/s/ /c/s/t/ s/d/B/B/A?B/Q/R/b/b/b/b/ /s/r/r q/b/r/b a/r/r/r r/r/r/ /t/d/t/t/t/t/ /t/u/c/3/B?2/R?B/R/R/b/R/R/R/R/B R/R/b/R/b/R/b/R/b/B/b/R/Q/b/b/R/r/c/r/ /t/s/ /s/t/ /t/T/C?B?B?B/Q?B/A/B /t/C?DOBO2?B?B/B/2/A/2 2/2/2/" 2/#/B/3/2/3/C/3/B/3/S/S/c?T?c?3/!/" 1/B/R/ /T/CO2?A/1 R/S/2/" B/C/B?2 c/C/d/ ?d?t?2 ?u/C?3?!/ 2/C/S/C/2/" 2/2/2/"/"/2/2/"/2/C/B/" 2/3/S/u/B/T/S/ 1/C/R/ /t/3/1/ S/2/2 1/2/R/S/c?d?s?t?tOt?tOd?s?S?R/2 2/C/B/B/2/u/S/" /d/t?u/t/t/ ?T/2/" s?"/"/ 2/3/S/d/t?u? ?t?c?C/2/3/S?3/B/T/"/" ?t/t/ B/S/c?t/ ?t?B/" B/3/B/" /t/t/u/ /c/2/B/" !/2/!/ 2?C?cOd?t?t? 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